Sierra Service Project 2017 The DixonUMC youth will participate in Sierra Service Project's summer mission trip in Chiloquin, Oregon July 9th - 15th. They will be working on home repairs and improvements with both tribal and non-tribal members of that community. More information about the Sierra Service Projectprogrammay be found on their website or Sierra Service Project Facebookpage.
LOCAL MISSIONS Dixon Teen Center Police Chaplaincy Program
MISSIONS ON-GOING 4-H Dixon Grange Team Dixon Cub Scouts Girl Scouts Boy Scouts Troop 152
Twelve Step Groups Men’s Chorus Toastmasters Women’s Improvement Club Ross and Gladys Hanna's Community Concert Series
MISSION OFFERINGS Special Sunday Offerings (6) Human Relation Sunday One Great Hour of Sharing Native American Ministries Peace with Justice Sunday World Communion Sunday United Methodist Student Day ADVANCE SPECIAL OFFERINGS (United Methodist approved projects) Disaster Response Offerings Monthly Food Offering for Dixon Family Services Annual Food Fight Annual Conference- Eye glasses, Hearing Aids, and Cell phones Special Appeals (socks, toys, etc)
MISSION COORDINATOR email John Currey if you are interested in Mission opportunities